Saturday, May 17, 2008

Today is Nicholas' birthday!

Nicholas is 12 years old today!

Nicholas was born on May 17, 1996 at 11:17 p.m. He was supposed to be born on May 15, but he decided to prolong his entry into the world. At 8:30 p.m. on that night, I called Tony on his beeper because my contractions had begun. He was conducting his orchestra at a concert, and his beeper went off just as he ended the last song. He turned around to the audience and announced that he needed to leave right away. Of course all of the parents knew that Nicholas was due any day, and they broke into ahh's and applause.

We spent the next two days walking and walking and walking. I was trying to encourage the process, and nothing was working. At night I was woken up every 5 minutes by another contraction. By the time May 17 came, I was tired! Around 12:00 noon I went to my doctor, and she told me to go home and take a tablespoon of castor oil, and meet her at the hospital around 3:00. I do not recommend tasting castor oil, but it did work! After taking the castor oil, the contractions became much stronger and more painful, and sure enough, by 3 p.m., we were ready to go to the hospital.

By about 6, I was sooo tired! Tony looked at the doctor and told her that I needed an epidural. I originally wanted a birth with no painkillers, but by this time I was too tired to argue with anyone. Once I got the epidural, I finally slept with no interruptions for about 4 hours. The next thing I knew, I was being woken up and told that it was time to have my baby.

It was such a special time. I will never forget the first time I held my baby Nicholas in my arms. (I'll post the picture tomorrow)

He is growing into a young man that any parent would be proud of. He memorized all 13 Articles of Faith by the time he was 8 years old. He has earned his Faith in God award, and has done a lot of it on his own. When I became Primary President, the Cub Scout program in our branch was struggling. I was encouraged to build it up, and I asked Nicholas if he wanted to be a Cub Scout. (he had just turned 8 years old) We got his Wolf book and his uniform, and he began reading the book and studying it. He earned all of the Cub Scout awards, and just recently was awarded his Arrow of Light award. There were many different cub scout leaders during his time in Cub Scouts, and Nicholas was instrumental in encouraging not only the cub scout leaders, but also the cub scouts in his den to earn their awards. I don't think he realizes what a strong influence he has had on the Scouting program - not only in our branch, but also throughout the stake. Our Young Men leaders have become motivated to make the Boy Scout program strong because of Nicholas, and he is now working on his Tenderfoot rank. I am so proud of him!

Happy Birthday Nicholas!


Noelle said...

Happy birthday Nicholas. You are truly an impressive young man; a great example to everyone around you. I am so glad you came to visit a few weeks ago. Congratulations on your birthday and receiving the Aaronic Priesthood. I'm sure you will honor it.

Luella, I'm sorry I didn't call you back. We got caught up with picture taking, then rushing home to change, then rushing to Jeff's folk's house. We got home kind of late. Thank you so much for coming a few weeks ago. It meant a lot to me.

tammy said...

We too are so proud of Nicholas! What a great young man. I am sure everyone at church are thrilled to have him pass the sacrament. One of the perks to having boys.
Happy Birthday Nicholas! We love you all.