Friday, May 16, 2008

Nicholas and Michael both take violin lessons with a wonderful teacher. She is a traditionally trained violinist turned Suzuki teacher. She teaches from the Suzuki books, and takes other songs from many other places to help her students learn lots of repertoire. Every Wednesday alternates between Dalcroze/Reading classes, and Repertoire classes.

I took a video of each of their classes for you. Enjoy them!

Michael loves playing Hunter's Chorus!

Nicholas leads all of the 2nd violin parts (this song is called Galop by Michael McLean)


Noelle said...

Those were great. I am impressed with the dancing violinists. Michael has some real moves going on! Nicholas looks so suave and cool when he plays. Nice job guys!

Malauna said...

Impressive. Sabrina liked the dance moves on Hunter's Chorus and may incorporate them when she plays that song.