Thursday, July 31, 2008

I had to go to the hospital early this morning for an emergency procedure, and am now confined to the couch for the next couple of days. I'm feeling a bit sad, but D&C Section 122, and the hymn "How Firm a Foundation" kept running through my head this morning and gave me lots of comfort. Tony told me that while I was in the recovery room, the doctor told him I couldn't stop crying(I don't remember) and wanted to give me anti-depression pills. I do remember telling her no, and I'm glad that I am feeling much better now.

I made raspberry and blueberry jam yesterday. I haven't made jam in a few years, so I found the whole process very therapeutic and satisfying. Nicholas wants me to teach his Scout patrol how to make jam - I'm not too sure about letting a bunch of boys into my kitchen! For the past few years, Nicholas has only wanted to eat peanut butter sandwiches. After trying the jam yesterday, he decided that he wants to start eating pb and j sandwiches now. Even when he was little, he would only eat my homemade jam - he didn't like the storebought jam or jelly.


becausethesunrises said...

What happened? Hey this might be personal in which case nevermind.....
Just know my prayers are with you.

Luella said...

Thank you Cindy.

tammy said...

I am glad that everything went okay at the hospital. Not fun.
Homemade rasberry and blueberry jam sounds wonderful! Nicholas is a lucky boy! pb & j are the best!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that everything went well for you at the hospital. You were in my thoughts and prayers. I agree with Nicholas--homemade jam is the only way to go!