Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fishing Trip

One of the benefits of living close to the water is being able to go for boat rides. We took a charter fishing boat out yesterday to try our hand at catching fish as part of Michael's Wildlife Conservation award for Cub Scouts. Here we are waiting to cast off the shore.There were lots of boats on our way out of the harbor, and at the end of the harbor was this lighthouse. The view from the water to the land is just stunning, isn't it? One of the rules for catching fish is that they have to be a certain length, or they have to be thrown back into the water. Tony caught 3 pierogies, two keepers, Nicholas caught 2 pierogies, one a keeper, and Michael caught 2 fish. I caught only one little fish, but lots of fish managed to eat the bait off of my line before I could bring them up!
Oh, and Michael caught a horseshoe crab, too! It was so heavy that one of the sailors had to help pull it up and get it off of the line to throw it back. Of course, we had to get a picture of it! You probably can't see them, but there are lots and lots of jellyfish swimming around in the water in this picture. We stopped at three different ideal fishing spots(determined by the sonar that the captain had), and tried our hand at catching fish. The largest fish was caught by a gentleman on the boat. It was a 3 pound bluefish! Here we are on our way back to the harbor. I just love watching the sunset! Remember the lighthouse? Here it is again with the sunset in the background. If you look carefully, there is a large hawk's nest on top of this structure in the middle of the water. We had a lot of fun fishing! I am definitely looking forward to going again!


tammy said...

The water looks beautiful! Looks like a fun day! the fish look digusting! and especially the hose shoe crab! but good job Michael!
Love you guys!

Sarah said...

Looks fun! I love the picture of the lighthouse with the sun setting...it should be in a magazine!

Noelle said...

That looks so fun. So did you cook up the fish for dinner that night?

Luella said...

no fish yet for dinner. They're in the freezer right now. and yes, Tammy, it was disgusting! especially baiting the hooks! eeew!