Sunday, November 9, 2008

I Still Love Fall!

So with the beautiful colors of Fall comes the cleanup! I still love Fall, but it takes a very long time to rake up and bag the leaves. We had a lot of rain this weekend, so the leaves are too wet to pick up.
This is our backyard completely covered with leaves.

Here is our front yard, also completely covered with leaves. Michael is loving being able to walk through the leaves and jump in the piles!

Today was my first day in Sunday School and Relief Society after 10 years of serving in the Primary. I didn't know what to do with myself! The Primary children made me a beautiful turkey with their names and "Thank you" notes from the teachers. I love the Primary children, and I loved being in Primary, but I am also happy to be with grown-ups!


tammy said...

I love Fall too. Your leaves look beautiful!
You will feel lost for a minute, but you feel at home where you are. I know you miss the kids, I will feel that way I'm sure when I someday get released from young womens.
Love you!

tammy said...

I love Fall too. Your leaves look beautiful!
You will feel lost for a minute, but you feel at home where you are. I know you miss the kids, I will feel that way I'm sure when I someday get released from young womens.
Love you!

Noelle said...

I love the fall too, but I don't love the winter, which naturally follows.

You may not have much time to miss the Primary. With any luck you'll be asked to sub in there. I was released from YW a couple of months ago, but today and next week I'm teaching the 16 and 17 year old Sunday School Class. It was like I never left. You'll learn to love the grown-ups too, eventually.

Malauna said...

Sabrina was lamenting the fact that she has such a small pile of leaves to jump in when all of the leaves on our yard are raked together. When I explained how many leaves you have at your house she exclaimed, "They just have to rake 3 times and they'd have the biggest leaf pile in the world!"

Luella said...

That's right! Any time Sabrina wants to come and play in our leaves, she is more than welcome to!