We have been blessed with two very talented boys. (I wish I was a better photographer!)
Michael made up a song which I helped him write out and record. We submitted it to the school PTA Reflections contest. He won an award at his school, and his song went on to the next level, which was the County contest. At the County level, he won a Certificate of Merit. I'm sure there is a way to upload the song so you can hear it, but it's going to take a bit of research to figure out.
Nicholas is outshining himself this year in 7th grade. He has stayed on the high honor roll all year long. He has gone to two orchestra festivals, and distinguished himself in both. 
He is the only 7th grader in the first violin section of his school's chamber orchestra, and this past week, he was one of 132 7th graders in his school to be inducted into the National Junior Honor Society(There are about 500 7th graders in his school). We couldn't be prouder!