Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fundraiser for Hospice House

Nicholas and Michael played with their teacher's violin group, the Metrognomes, at a concert to benefit the local Hospice House. Their teacher's sister is a dancer, who joined the children along with her dance partner, to entertain the audience. I hope you enjoy the performances!

This song is called the "Taka Taka Polka". While the children were playing, the dancers were dancing around in the audience. I tried to catch them on this video, but had no luck.

Check back through the week for more videos!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Celebrating Fall!

To begin our Columbus Day weekend, we went to the Outback for dinner. Nicholas built this card house using the coasters.
The next day, we went shopping for Halloween decorations. We didn't buy this skull, but Michael had fun modelling with it!
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